RC Race
RC (Remote Control) Race is an exciting competition where students from different schools can compete using remote-controlled cars. Participants need to design and build their own RC cars, which they will race against each other on a designated track.

- Each team would be comprised of 3 members.
- The robot must be designed and built by the team.
- The robot must be able to move forward, backward, turn left, and turn right. The robot should not exceed the size of 30cm x 30cm x 30cm.
- The robot must be powered by batteries and it remains onboard and cannot be changed during the race.
- The racecourse will consist of a track with obstacles. The track will be marked with lanes and robot will follow it. The obstacles will be placed along the track, and the robots will navigate it without knocking them down.
- The time taken by each robot to complete the race will be recorded. The robot with the fastest time will be declared as the winner.
- Penalties will be given if a robot knocks down an obstacle or leaves its lane. The penalties will be added to the robot’s time.
- The safety of participants, spectators, and equipment is paramount. The organizers reserve the right to disqualify any team whose robot poses a safety risk.
- The participants should behave nicely & and show sportsman spirit during the competition. Any misconduct in behavior will result in disqualification.
- The judges’ decision will be considered as final. Any complaint against the judge will only be addressed by the chief organizer of the conference.
Who can participate
Students of Grades (3-5) are eligible to participate in this category
Registration Fee
10,000/- per team and 3 members per team
Note: For more details please read competition rule book.
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