Innovation Challenge

 The program includes two main teacher training sessions. The first session is conducted after the kit purchase and focuses on using the kit, implementing lessons, and understanding the program objectives. The second training session, (Dates to be mutually decided), aims to further refine teachers’ skills and address any challenges they might face. Additionally, regular online support sessions are planned, providing a platform for teachers to discuss any challenges and receive continuous support. This program offers a unique opportunity for schools to combine hands-on robotics education with crucial health education, thereby enhancing technical skills and promoting a deeper understanding of cancer and the potential role of technology in healthcare.

Project Guidelines

This Innovation challenge on Cancer as a disease has been designed to blend emerging technologies in education with vital health awareness, targeting both students and teachers. The program’s cornerstone is the Robotmea kit, supplemented with sensors, a student manual, a comprehensive teacher guide, detailed rubrics, and a scope of work for both students and teachers. The training aspect of the program involves trainers providing instruction to teachers and students, which can be conducted either online or through in-person visits, based on each team’s confirmation. Each participating school is required to purchase a Robotmea kit and register for the competition before the deadline i;e March 22, 2024

Who can participate: Grades (6- 8)

  • Kit Price include manual & Academic Support  – 250,000 PKR
  • Only selected and invited schools to participate

Registration Fee: Free and 3 members per team.

Winning Prize: Shields & Prizes

Includes: Day Lunch, Refreshment, Certificate of Participation, Stall

Note: For more details please read competition rule book.

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